Urban Climatology 

Volume proposal 


The area of study is situated in the subarctic climate region in a city called Luleå. The climatic condition entail long, dark and cold winters coupled with bright and lukewarm summers, alongside significant volumes of rain and snow downfall. 

This project sets out to attune to the northern climate and by its physical presence create a pleasant urban microclimate. 

The façade of a sport facility demarcates the project area towards the North. A low rise residential area neighbors the site towards the East. The city center of Luleå lies ahead in the southern direction. On the west hand side runs Luleå river. 

Plenty of solar radiation is able to reach the site, due to: the long distance to and height of surrounding buildings, as well as the many unbuilt areas adjacent to the site. The whole area is generally well exposed to the sun throughout the whole year, leaving out the winter season. 

Winds from the South are the most recurrent, with a 21 % probability and with a speed of 4.2 m/s. The site becomes the absolute windiest when winds approach the site from the West. The experienced temperature of the site then becomes colder than the actual air temperature. On the opposite the site feels the warmest, warmer than the temperature of the air, when winds come from the East and Southeast.

Autodesk Forma was used to model the site, conduct climate analysis and suport design decisions. 

The proposed volume is placed in between the sport facility and the fire station. A terraced building typology is suggested. It is orientated to deflect cold winds from the West and Northwest, meanwhile letting plenty of sunlight in. The form of the built structure creates a large sun pocket, encapsulating a park. By its placement, the park is well shielded of from winds in an attempt to create an area comfortable both during winter and summer. The microclimate of the opposite side of the building, along the western façade,  is slightly shadier and prone to wind breezes. Proposed is an active sport zone at walking distance from the existing indoor sport arena. The façade facing west is thus a space for climbing.